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heat engineering calculation

-------------------------  THERMAL CALCULATIONS -------------------------


Then ...

1. Basic concepts of heat engineering

Далее ...

2. Graph-analytical calculation of the heat transfer coefficient - α
- formula for calculating the heat transfer coefficient α;
- a system of nomograms for determining the heat transfer coefficient;
- reference data: values of heat transfer coefficients α and thermal conductivity λ for various conditions


3. Graph-analytical calculation of the Nusselt number      - Nu
- formulas for calculating the Nusselt number (Nu) for various heat transfer conditions;
- a system of nomograms for determining the Nusselt number using a unified formula


4. Graph-analytical calculation of the Prandtl number      - Pr
- formula for calculating the Prandtl number (Pr);
- nomogram system for determining the Prandtl number


5. Graph-analytical calculation of the Grashof criterion   - Gr
- formula for calculating the Grashof criterion (Gr);
- nomogram system for determining the Grashof criterion


6. Graph-analytical calculation of the Reynolds number    - Re
- formula for calculating the Reynolds number (Re);
- nomogram system for determining the Reynolds number


7. Calculation of the heat transfer area of the radiator of the heating system to maintain the temperature in the room
- formula for the estimated calculation of heat transfer parameters;
- a system of nomograms for determining the area of the heat-releasing surface of the batteries, the volume of the room, temperatures, etc.


8. Calculation of heat transfer during the flow of gas (liquid) in a pipeline with an external heat supply
- a system of nomograms for calculating the heating parameters of a gas flow in a pipe;
- an example of graphic-analytical calculation of parameters


9. Calculation of the duration of heating a certain amount of gas at a constant volume
- description of the graphic-analytical calculation of the duration of heating using the systems of nomograms of paragraph 8.


10. Calculation of heating parameters of the electric wire:
- formulas for calculating the parameters of a conductor when it is heated by electric current;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

11. Calculation of the amount of heat for changing the temperature of a homogeneous structure by a given value
- formula for calculating the amount of heat for heating (cooling) a homogeneous structure of a given mass;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heating (cooling) characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

12. Calculation of the amount of heat transferred through a homogeneous flat wall:
- formula for calculating heat transfer through the wall by heat conduction;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

13. Calculation of the amount of heat transferred through a homogeneous cylindrical wall:
- formula for calculating heat transfer through the wall by heat conduction;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

14. Calculation of the amount of heat transferred by radiation (one surface inside another):
- formulas for calculating heat transfer by radiation (radiative heat transfer, radiant heat transfer);
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

15. Calculation of the amount of heat spent on heating the fluid flow in the pipeline
- formula for calculating the power required to heat the fluid flow in the pipeline;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

16. Calculation of heat transfer during the movement of fluid in a pipe
- formula for calculating the design parameters of a pipeline for heating a fluid flow;
- link to our applet for graphic-analytical calculation of heat transfer characteristics using nomogram systems;
- description of working with the applet hosted on the site

Transition ...

Production plant


Map of the system of nomograms:

- nomograms of the unit

- all nomograms




 graphic-analytical systems         The contact information:

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