The main Parts Heat Chart of nomograms  Reference information

Calculation of the area of the heat-releasing surface of the radiator of the heating system

Calculation of the area of a surface of the battery for heating a room.

Scheme of the system of nomograms for calculating the heat-releasing surface of the radiator of the heating system

To calculate and select the parameters of the radiator of the heating system, we use the formula

F • k • (Th – TV) = α • V • (TV – Tg),


F - the area of a surface of the battery, m2;

V - the volume of the room, m3;

Th - temperature of the heat-carrier, 0Ñ;

TV - temperature in the room, 0Ñ;

Tg - temperature outside of a room (external), 0Ñ;

k - heat transfer coefficient through a wall, Watt/(m2•K);

α - coefficient of the heating characteristic of a building, 0.5...1.8 kWatt/(m3•K).

System of nomograms   for calculation of heating system  (Temperature in a room - 190Ñ). 

For example, the area of one section of a pig-iron radiator F=0,254 m2  (k = 6 Watt/(m2•K)).



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