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Heating of the given volume of gas

The system of nomograms for calculation of current of gas in the channel with replacement of parameters is used. The charge of gas is replaced with weight of the gas made in some volume. The temperature of gas depends on duration of heating. 

For nomogram #3.

Instead d (mm) now  Fb/10 (mm2) where Fb - the area of a heating surface.

On axis Y instead G/L (mg/(s·m)) now  m/t (mg/s),  where m - weight of gas,  t - time of heating.

For nomogram #4.

Instead G (mg/s) now  m (mg).

On axis Y instead  L (mm) now t (s).

After the listed changes system of nomograms for calculation of time of heating of gas.

While offer to take advantage of available system of nomograms (heating of gas at current in the channel)  in view of the offered transformations. 

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