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Modeling the operation of a technical system

visualization of the choice of initial data (system of nomograms), the operation of the technical system (dynamic change in the parameters of the scheme), changes in the values of the parameters (displayed on the screen)

      We present to your attention two variants of the applet (java) for modeling the operation of a technical system:

option 1

option 2

      Tested in Internet Explorer. Applets have been discontinued in Google Chrome.

      The first option is more illustrative, but significant changes have been introduced into the real course of the system operation (for greater clarity). In the second variant, the process proceeds more slowly. You can exit the applet during a long simulation by canceling the task in the task manager.

      The applets contain a structural diagram of the following system - "tank-reducer-coil (heater)".

      A brief description of the technical system used as a model for visualizing the process of selecting initial data and modeling work.
To the neck of the tank, which is filled with air under pressure, a reducer is attached, containing a rod that enters the neck of the tank, and a sleeve held by two springs on the rod. The reducer output fitting is connected to a steel coil, to which the supply voltage is connected. The coil heats up under the influence of current.

      The order of operation of the technical system (from the moment the heating of the coil begins). After a time interval from the start of heating the coil, air begins to flow (opening a conditional valve) from the tank through the slotted gap (between the stem and the neck of the tank) into the internal cavity of the sleeve mounted on the stem. From the inner cavity of the sleeve, the gas through the next slotted gap enters the outlet cavity of the reducer and, further, into the heated coil. The calculation also takes into account gas leakage through the gap between the tank cavity and the outlet cavity of the reducer (the parameters of this gap are also set). Due to the decrease in pressure in the tank, the rod (from the force of the springs) moves into the neck of the tank, thereby reducing the length of the first slotted gap. The sleeve also moves under the action of the springs, which leads to a change in the length of the slotted gap between the sleeve and the stem.

      The design and operating parameters of the technical system section are selected as follows.

      The values of the parameters of the main elements (slotted gaps, springs, coil) are selected using nomogram systems, for the appearance of which it is necessary to "click" the left mouse button (with the "Alt" key pressed) in the area of the desired circuit element. The corresponding system of nomograms will appear on the screen. We also select the parameter values on the nomograms by "clicking" the left mouse button in the right place on the selected graph. "Clicking" with the left mouse button in the area of the triangle (located next to the nomograms) performs "scrolling" the values of the corresponding axis. "Clicking" the right button on a triangle increases or decreases the range of values of the corresponding axis (the triangle on the left decreases, on the right - increases). "Clicking" with the right mouse button (with the "Shift" key pressed) in the area of any of the nomograms returns us to the scheme of the technical system, which reflects the accepted changes.

      The rest of the parameters are entered in the text fields below the structural diagram.

      Using the "Start" button, we launch the program on the account - the simulation of the system operation process is performed.
A time indicator appears above the diagram. In the space between the gearbox housing and the coil (in the process of simulating operation), changing values ??of the main parameters appear - flows through the slotted gaps and the coil, pressures in the cavities, spring strokes and forces on the springs. In the exit zone of the coil, changing values ??are presented - the temperatures of the coil material and the gas. Changes in pressure and temperature during the calculation are accompanied by a change in the color of the corresponding areas on the structural diagram. To the right of the diagram are the remaining calculation parameters and their values ??- thermal - cooff. heat transfer, Re, Nu numbers, etc.

      The presented approach to finding the optimal result (by visualizing the choice of parameters and simulating the operation of the system) allows a specialist to use his knowledge with maximum efficiency to analyze the entire complex of parameters of a technical system with their comprehensive optimization.

Topic of the section: modeling of the system operation, visualization of the choice of parameters and the process of modeling the system operation.


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