The main Parts Authors Chart of nomograms  Reference information

Method is more important than discovery.

Lev Landau  (1908  - 1968)

Graphical   systems

Presented to your attention is a graphic-analytical method for solving design problems using a universal program

This method consists in presenting possible combinations of parameters of a node or process in the form of an interconnected system of nomograms, with which you can choose the most appropriate combination of these parameters, track the dynamics of their changes, etc.  The resulting systems of nomograms can be printed on a printer for their further use in work. 

As you know, when using a regular program, it is necessary to constantly adjust the input parameters in order to achieve the optimal result with a mandatory launch on the account. In this case  it is difficult to take into account the mutual dynamics of changes in some parameters when adjusting others. During the design of a new node, the input data can change quite often, and a lot of time is wasted entering the changing data and processing the results. The presented program already during the calculation works with a given range of values ("variant space"), which can be arbitrarily large. As a result, we get a system of nomograms, which can be compared with a map. In the future, we select the desired combination of parameters by setting the section of the "map" or moving around. Recalculation of this "map" needed if  it is necessary to correct the calculation method or expand the range of parameters.

 The main program for constructing nomogram systems consists of the following blocks:

The block of statement of the calculation problem is divided into three parts:

Calculation block performs automatic calculation with the formation of a database of calculated values.

The calculation results are presented as a system of nomograms, the type and parameters of which are configured by the user.

With the help of this program (example), unlike highly specialized ones:

The presented program has a "Spartan" the interface is easy to use and resembles a regular text editor, when we type the calculation method, only in this case we indicate:

The process of automated calculation itself can take several hours, depending on the volume of the methodology and the step of changing the parameters. During the calculation, a database of values is created. At the time of the creation of the primary database of nomogram systems (2005), the maximum size of the database of one calculation was obtained - 270 Mb (count duration - 21 hours (Pent.4 with a frequency of 1.8 GHz)). 

The main idea of the site is the formation of a database of calculation methods and their corresponding calculation arrays. At the same time, if necessary, any method from the available ones can be selected, supplemented and re-launched on the account, and the results are presented in the form of a system of nomograms.

The purpose of the development of the presented programs is to make the solution of design problems by specialists more accessible and convenient, and the process of finding a solution more creative and less routine. The expected result is increased productivity and reduced costs when looking for the right solution.

During the run-in of the program, a small base of nomogram systems was accumulated, therefore, it was decided to systematize them and supplement them with reference and theoretical information. The reason was also the following:

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