The main Parts Gas Chart of nomograms  Reference information

The arguments to which a person thinks out himself usually convince him more than those that came to the mind of others. 

French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Hydro-gasdynamic calculations

1. Graph-analytical calculation of a direct laminar throttle (extended capillary)
(in each system of nomograms of section 2 ("Analytical graph calculation of the coil") there is a curve for the direct channel)

    Onwards ...

2. Graph-analytical calculation of a coil (laminar choke having the shape of a spiral)
(systems of nomograms are given)

Onwards ...

3. Graphic-analytical calculation of the throttle (throttle washer)
(given: systems of nomograms, formulas for calculating the throttle for subcritical and supercritical gas flow regimes,
reference data - the number of degrees of freedom and the values of the adiabatic exponent for gases)

Onwards ...

4. Graphic-analytical calculation of a package of chokes (throttle washers)

    Onwards ...

5. Graph-analytical calculation of the Reynolds number Re
(given: systems of nomograms, formula for calculating the Reynolds criterion)

Onwards ...

6. Graphic-analytical calculation of the jet (for liquid)
(given: the formula for calculating the jet and a link to the applet of our site with configured nomogram systems,
a description of the operation of our applet for calculating the jet)

Onwards ...

Author's articles and abstracts


Industrial base


 Map of nomogram systems:

- all sections

- this section




Reference information:

- list of reference tables

- dynamic viscosity of gases (table)

- kinematic viscosity of gases (table)

- gas density (table)






 graphic-analytical systems         The contact information.    E-mail:

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